Shihan H. Nunes started his training in the year 1981/82.(tanga)
His first teacher was Sensei Ivaldi a french teacher of Judo and Ju Jitsu. (tanga)
On several international seminars he got to know lot`s of great Jiu Jitsu masters, like Soke R. Morris, Kyoshi O. Bamgbose, Shihan Oliver Gugel; Shihan J. Kippel; Shihan Pariset; Soke Jan Erik and Soke Auvo and many more wich gave him the skill and the will to go ahead and train more and more.
He currently holds titles of Shihan (Chief Instructor) both in Ju Jitsu and Karate Jutsu.(Karate?tanga...)
He is the International Coordinator for JJI and usually is Soke's Uke (personal assistant).(uke = personal assistant?)
He is the International leader (como poder ser o lider internacional se o estilo da treta apenas existe em Portugal?) of the style called Kyoo Soke Seishin Ryu wich is influenced by all of these wonderfull martial artists.
Interested in joinning Kyoo Soku Seishin Ryu?
Benefits of a membership of Kyoo Soku Seishin Ryu/ JJI:
- A complete all-round system including realistic self-defence and fighting training (cambalhotas, mortais, etc.)
- Access to qualified instructors and a complete syllabus/Program ( deve ser anedota)
- Support at the start and non interference with the class system (generosidade)
- Official instructor courses and certification(a troco de determinadas e avultadas somas)
- A non-profit and non-political organisation (anedota com toda a certeza)
- Grading examinations(excepto ao Shihan)
Yearly events by the Portuguese Dojos :
- Technical seminars
- Instructor seminar, monthly basis
- Official Instructor Course (once a year)
- Yearly International Seminar ( grading examinations, meeting & training camp)
Some years of martial arts background with experience and knowledge of punching/kicking techniques, falling and throwing techniques. (Shihan exige aquilo que lhe falta)
Proven history from an approved martial art organisation and certified instructor;
Clean Criminal record;
A focused and dedicated view of martial arts and a high sense of Loyalty. (Shihan exige aquilo que lhe falta)
Still interested?
Please contact:
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